Friday, March 17, 2017

So... it's been a month. UPDATE TIME

Dear Readers,

Hey y'all! It's Cody. (I mean, that's my name, but I always feel like introducing myself when I am starting a blogpost like this one)

I'm starting this off by saying that I love you all so much, and am thankful for your continued support, every single day.

So... I have not posted anything for awhile. And this post is me forcing myself to do so. I just... haven't had the motivation. Or the time, really. I've been focusing on school, and some other things... and right now that has to take priority.

School has been stressful as all hell, but luckily I'm on spring break right now. (alas, it is almost over by the time I am actually writing this) So, this has been the first break since this semester started, and I really needed it.

I've been in a rough place emotionally (as y'all saw with my last post...) I would like to say I'm much better... but it's a daily struggle and honestly some days are better than others. I'm glad to say that I am more happy than not ;) lol, had to put that in there. IF YOU HAVEN'T PLEASE PICK UP MORE HAPPY THAN NOT BY ADAM SILVERA!!!

Speaking of Adam... I met Adam, Becky, and David of the #Beckminavidera crew at SEYA 2017 in Murfreesboro Tennessee. I can confirm that they are the best of people, and give the greatest hugs and I love them even more than I did before I met them [which is saying something as I already loved them infinitely]

ANYWAYS, I took a 45 minute train ride followed by a 6 hour bus ride to get there at 1am, get 4 hours of sleep, and hightail it to MTSU, barely making it before the first panel...

where Becky, Adam, and David all hugged me before there first panel. HONESTLY DREAM MOMENT. I wish I could rewind and watch everyone around me reactions' because omfg that felt good. It definitely brought me the most immense amount of joy I have ever felt.

I got to listen to the pan about Books, Buddies and Bad Behavior. There was major shade thrown at a certain English-hating- writer. [Looking at you Gabaldon...] and we got to here two stories about almost eating mice.... (You'll have to ask David and Courtney Stevens about that one... lololololol]

After the panel, I swiftly ran over to the bookstore and got in Adam's signing line, getting my golden oreos ready for him. Adam is quite frankly one of the most important writers to me, personally. His books are so unapologetically real, and relatable to me. He just gets it. And I'm thankful. He's also super sweet, and tall; but y'all knew that second part. He signed my books, took a picture with me and expressed the sadness at not being able to eat lunch with us. [I was sad too, god Adam is the best.]

After Adam, I went over to David's line, and got to talk with him for a little while, hugged him and said my "See you later" spiel, as I knew we'd be eating together later and that I'd probably spend most the day with him and Becky. [I was not wrong]

I got in to Becky's line and stayed until her signing was over. We conveniently, and coincidentally, both wore Hamilton t-shirts. It was the besttttt, especially for the group picture with Adam, Becky, David and I. Worked for some great coordination. Hamilton and Plaid. #goals.

After this, my friend Mari and the wonderful authors went and sat in the food court taking turns getting food. I also got to meet Mason, Weezie and their friend [I believe Rosie was their name, but I'm not entirely sure on spelling or certain on the name...oops. I feel bad] Y'all were great, and I really cannot wait to read Mason's EnbyLoveStory. We ate lunch, and talked and it was great. I gave Becky the painting I did of her first two book covers and some double-stuf Oreos, obviously. What is a gift to Becky without Oreos?

After lunch, Becky and I headed to David's panel where we got to listen all about "Heroes at Heart" with Cinda Williams Chima, David, Laurel Snyder, and I. W. Gregorio (who insists I W is boring, and her name is Ilene.)

My favorite quote from that entire experience was

"A honest voice is more important than a pretty one." - David Arnold

I was so immersed in everything I didn't take notes, but Becky's movie for SIMON was mentioned. Because, let's face it... we're all excited!!!

Then, we walked to David's second signing and we just kind of hanged out with Becky and David for that time. We talked about writing, how mine was going, and just talked like old friends catching up [which we basically are, at this point.] It was a great time, even though a few people may have walked off during that time... [SORRY READERS IF THAT WAS YOU!]

I ended up getting books signed by Kathryn Ormsbee, Melanie Conklin, and Courtney Stevens.... after listening to the Love Bites panel featuring Becky Albertalli, Katie Cotugno, Ashley Blake and two others.

It was hilarious and friendly, and the audience asked some great questions to which Court had some PHENOMENAL answers.

I went back, [packed up all my stuff] waited in Becky's line to say goodbye... and I left for the day.

It was glorious and I loved it so so so so so much.

A++++++++++ experience. 10/10 would definitely recommend.

Hope I can go next year! *fingers crossed*

Now onto more things......


The real reason I started this post...

is because...

Besides the few things I've committed too....

I'm going to go on a semi-hiatus.

This is to avoid pressure to post, and trying to find time to write here, complete all my homework and get good grades, and write for me... in hopes to get published. My grades (though they're still good) are not in the low-A range where I would like them... so I'm taking a step back so I can focus on my schoolwork and my novel-writing.

I love you all, and will definitely have a few reviews here and there. But I won't be for sure... posting.

I will be fully back by mid-May; but until then I'll be sporadic. This isn't goodbye, this is just a so long, a farewell, an until.

I'll see you probably twice a month from here on out- and I love you guys a lot.

hope you enjoyed, and made it through this mess of a long post.

With all the love,
