ARC August is an annual feature held over at Read.Sleep.Repeat where the challenge is to read any and all ARCs. You can read them in any form. Whether it be ecopy or physical, old or new.... The challenge is to READ. Catch up on all these ARCs! Get your NetGalley percentage up! Clear your reviewing shelves and commitments!
Without further ado... I present my list of books I am behind on (because lets face it almost all of these books have come out FOREVER ago! I'm a slacker!)
(I will also be bolding my priority books!)
1.Quicksand by Steve Toltz
2.Justice Buried by Hilary Thompson
3.Drowning is Inevitable by Shalanda Stanley
4.The Trouble With Destiny by Lauren Morill
5.The Dream Engine by Johnny B Truant & Sean Platt
6.The Golden Braid by Melanie Dickerson
7.The Lie Tree by Frances Hardinge
8.Devil and the Bluebird by Jennifer Mason-Black
9. The Assassins Game by Kirsty McKay
10. Nevernight by Jay Kristoff
11. Last Seen Leaving by Caleb Roehrig
12.Avian by Nicole Conway (received it from Month9Books a long time ago)
13. Traitor by Nicole Conway (Month9Books)
14. Fear My Mortality by Everly Frost (Month9Books)
15. The Requiem Red by Brynn Chapman (Month9Books)
16. Spells and Sorcery by S Usher Evans (Sush herself!)
17.The Unquiet by Mikaela Everett
18.A Madness So Discreet by Mindy McGinnis
19. Sky Key by James Frey
20. Sound by Alexandra Duncan
21. The Leaving Season by Cat Jordan
22. Take The Fall by Emily Hainsworth
23. Frannie and Tru by Karen Hattrup
24. Fate of Flames by Sarah Raughley
25. Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst
26. Boy Robot by Simon Curtis
27. The Steep and Thorny Way by Cat Winters (Love you Rachel and just for you I'm making this a priority!)
28. History is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera (WHICH I'LL BE RECEIVING SOON!!!! Thanks Stacee!)
28 books! TWENTY EIGHT! If I'm being honest with myself I will get to maybe 5 of these. If that knowing the amount of travelling/getting ready for college I'm doing.


So, In all honesty those are just books I need to read eventually. Soon. But... I'm going to chose 7 of them to make my priority.
I'm going to try for some more NetGalley after I finish my physical copies because dragging those to college is going to be a lot harder!
I'm super excited to actually try and take on this challenge! I've also been trying to read Harry Potter but we all know that's not going to be happening by the time I leave for college... It just isn't. (But during college perhaps I will finally finish reading the series for the first time!)
Are YOU Participating in ARC August? What books are YOU planning on reading? See any on my forever long list that I should be bumping up on my list? Let me know in the comments below!
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