BBCP is the Book Blogger Creativity Project!!! 2016 is the second year of BBCP! For this project we are put into teams of 6 to come up with a new blogging idea and also to develop teamwork and more friends in the bookish community (At least for me! Love y'all!) This year (my first year participating!) I was put into the Magenta Team. If you want more information look at the post explaining it all here
The Magenta Team's idea for this was basically to turn a book into a movie, and do something along the lines of creating a Fancast, maybe a setting location... but above all else (at least in my opinion) Scenes that NEED to be in the movie adaptation.
My choice for this wonderfully creative project is More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera!
We created a Pinterest Board and everything!
Now, mind you, it's been almost six months since I read More Happy Than Not... so a lot of the details of the characters are hazy. I remember a LOT about them and the story just not exactly what they look like. Should I have reread this book before taking on this project? Probably. But without further ado I present my ideas for More Happy Than Not....
Most of this will be in picture form with me breaking in every once in awhile to say why I believe these things remind me of the novel and/or why I think they need to be included in the movie adaptation. :)
First of all, This all has to be filmed in the Bronx. Adam Silvera grew up in the Bronx. This story takes place in the Bronx. It's a nobrainer. This is the number one necessity.

Second of all, I am really bad with actors/actresses and don't know enough to actually cast this to it's utmost potential but on the pinterest board Bailey and I made we did pin some models that we thought could portray various characters in the novel.

We kind of just pinned a bunch of people that could be one of the characters and only on a few decided who we actually thought said person was.
1. Trade Dates
~ Basically, a date where you choose a location that your significant other would like and they chose a location they think you would like. I love the idea of these and think they hold an immense importance to the story
2. Chasing Games

~ Chasing games along with a bunch of other games are played throughout the novel (like Suicide for example) and it's such a big part of Aaron's day to day life that I think it's necessary to be included!

~ There are a few different roof scenes. One in particular between Thomas and Aaron IS SERIOUSLY SO FREAKING IMPORTANT.
4. Remember That Time!
~ This game has to be played. You'll understand if you've read the book.
5. A scene between Kyle's Family and Aaron that is my absolute favorite thing ever.
~ I can't tell you anything about this, READ THE BOOK.
6. The scene when Thomas and Aaron first meet needs to be the same.
~ It's really a no brainer that this HAS to be in the movie!
7. Anything involving the Leteo Institute, obviously.
~ ALSO, I think it would be very interesting to see how it's put together in film because to me it should be a huge corporation. Big buildings. Many cubicles. Offices for the procedures. A huge waiting room similar to an airport security station with the long dreary lines.

If you are interested in seeing more of our ideas for this movie check out our More Happy Than Not Pinterest Board !!! *There may be SPOILERS within*
I think I may have taken a different approach to this topic than my teammates but I love this idea and will be continuing with it possibly making it a monthly feature! (or maybe bi-monthly, this whole process takes a lot of work!!!!)
I had so much fun creating this! And I'm really proud of it all! :) I hope you found some enjoyment out of it as well!
Monday 7/18 Cody Roecker @ Roecker Reviews (That's Me!)
Tuesday 7/19 Erin The Hardcover Lover
Wednesday 7/20 Nori Read Write Love 28
Thursday 7/21 Sarena & Sasha Nanua The Pendant Trilogy
Friday 7/22 Tamara Tamaraniac
Saturday 7/23 Lynette Charmingly Simple
Have you read More Happy Than Not? Do you have anything you want in the movie that I didn't mention? Let me know in the comments below! :)
Love y'all
~ Cody @ Roecker Reviews <3
ReplyDeleteI have just finished reading More Happy Than Not. I hate how Adam did Aaron so wrong. I was crying last thirty minutes or so of reading. Especially when he went out with his brother. Oh and Colin is a dick. ijs. Now im reading History is all you left me. Im at the part where Griff goes to meet Jackson. Another good one. I actually had to take a break from his book with Becky Albertalli - What If Its Us. Because i got to a part where i got scared something is going to happen. And i dont want to find out just yet :D
Thanks for helping me to picture some pieces in my mind.